I am a daughter of God; a mother; a wife to the most amazing man; a teacher by profession; a sister; a friend; a companion to all who walk this life towards Him... and now, I am an entrepreneur.
I want to share with you my talents and passion for education and living a simple, God centered life. Walk with me and others like us, through this life while we try to guide ourselves and our little ones to Heaven. I want to create a supportive community to ensure we succeed in this wonderful task that we have been entrusted with. Will you join me?
I can't wait to share all these with you and to see what you can share with us too!
Integral Education
With God at the center, our curriculum and activities intertwine in five big areas of human development (Emotional, Social, Spiritual, Intellectual, and Physical), forming five subareas (Relationships, Community Service, Theology, Play, and Emotion Expression). Knowing these categories allows us to focus in the whole person, and not just in one area, ensuring an integral education.
The main idea is that we strive to raise our little children by developing all of their selves and not just a few target areas; aiming for holiness and sainthood.
God and Family Focused
Leading yourself and children to Heaven is the number one mission you were sent to this life. If we can strive to live a virtuous and saintly life, we are providing our children with the best resource education has: leading by example.
Bring your children to church; pray with them and in front of them; talk about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and all the saints. But most importantly, teach them to love our Lord with all our souls and minds, and to love one another as we love ourselves.
Having a theme or unit studies-led curriculum will allow families with multiple children to plan once, teach everyone and enrich the children's learning with insights from all ages participating from the different activities.
Our Mission
Graceful Willow Learning wants to help parents raise their children in a Godly manner, providing a safe and loving environment where children are able to experiment, question, read, create, and explore their different interests, guided by our Catholic teachings and principles.
Providing activities that parents can implement with their children in as loose or tight a way as they see fit for their family needs is GWL's mission.
Our Vision
We are on Earth to learn to love, live a life of service, and save our souls to go to our Heavenly Father. We believe in leading a virtuous life based on prayer as a conversation with the Trinity; socialization as intrinsic social beings who are able to efficiently communicate ideas and expression of emotions; experimentation to learn the ways of life in nature; and the practice of the ten commandments.
Our Philosophy
Follow our children's interests, guiding and exposing them to diverse environments and experiences to deepen their love for learning and enhance their knowledge; providing meaningful activities to approach the object of their curiosity.
Raise our offspring to uphold catholic values such as love of God, dignity of human life, importance of family, living a virtuous life, and spirit of service towards the common good.
Do you want to know more about Graceful Willow Learning? Read about attention spans, school and homeschooling setups, children's innate learning inclination, and much more! Click here to read the post.
For more information, help, comments, or if you want to contact me for any reason, please feel free to e-mail me. I will be happy to receive feedback, answer questions, and perfect this amazing online community that belongs to you and me.