The Research

Understanding Your Child's Development
Children grow and change rapidly, especially in the first five years of their lives, with the most significant learning occurring in the initial three years. As they establish their foundational knowledge, children continue to develop quickly, although the pace tends to slow down after the age of five. Their learning progresses as they form new connections between familiar concepts and new information.
Piaget's Insights
According to Piaget, every child follows a similar path of development, but since each person is unique, your child will grow at their own pace and with individual variations in progress. Therefore, the ages mentioned in his studies serve as general guidelines for when children typically reach certain milestones.
The Phases

Having a learning framework will allow you to make smart decisions about the learning experience of your children. Knowing what to expect from each age group can help you and your child explore the different paths to learning whatever sparks their interest.
We were created in the image and likeness of God and have been brought to this world to enjoy His creation. It is because of His immense love that He gave us free will and an intellect to be able to exercise it. Let's choose to learn from His works, from His teachings, and about Him to help us lead our souls back to our Creator.
Unit Studies
