Learn through Errands

Post Office
Running errands with children can feel overwhelming, but if you have the objective in mind for them to learn life skills, going to the post office can be a good teaching experience. Ask your kids to deal with the mailmen, put the stamp, write the receiving person's information, etc.

With how technology is now-a-days, going to the bank is a rare occurrence; but if you find yourself needing to go cash a check, talk to the banker, or anything else, bring your kids so they can experience first hand how banks work and how to deal with them. It can also be a good opportunity to ask questions about money and their jobs.

Car Maintenance
Learning to change your car's oil, fill up the tank with gas, top off the wiper fluid, changing a tire, calling insurance, among others, are great life skills that your kids can learn from the people at the car shop or from a simple trip to the gas station.